Cyrex: Functional Immunology and Autoimmunity Tests

Cyrex™ is a Clinical Immunology Laboratory Specializing in Functional Immunology and Autoimmunity

Arrays 2: Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen

The test was just released on December 8th, 2020.

You can download the source PDF reports below

Array 7x: Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen


This was ordered by Dr. Flannery, and that showed clearly one outcome that requires attention

Array 10: Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screens


I cut the long list of 180 food antigens and shared only the ones that are not “IN RANGE”. The full list can be downloaded in full, however.

The results of this test were key. Why? It showed why the ketogenic diet failed in the last few years. I have been on foods that I should not be on, especially dairy products!

Array 7: Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen

This showed progress on all levels, but only Array 20 was fully healed.

You can download the source PDF reports below

Array 5 – Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen


This was ordered by Dr. Flannery, and that showed clearly one outcome that requires attention

Showing seven test outcomes requiring attention

Array 20: Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability

You can download the source PDF reports below

Array 11: Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen

  • Array 11. Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen

I have not yet sat down with anyone to discuss this. I have scheduled a consultation for October 8th, and I will write back here to document the outcome.

Blood Work and Other Lab Results

You can check my other lab test (blood work) by visiting the recent lab reports page.