Supplements Before 2nd Surgery

As per Michelle Gerencser

    Stop 4 days before surgery
  • RepairVite
    STOP completely.
    Michelle believes that when one is having Mycotox like I do, and has brain cancer growing, the L-Glutamine will grow cancer further. She believes only once Mycotox returns negative results, should I be taking it.
    Taking SBI Protect Powder because it is safe. I will start that after surgery, because I don’t have that supplement anymore.
    I looked for glutamine (which is similar to L-glutamine) and I found this link.
  • Resvero Active
    Stop 4 days before surgery
  • Turmero Active
    Stop 4 days before surgery.
  • EnteroVite
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
  • Trizomal Glutathione
    STOP completely
    More information on why this is tomorrow (have to go listen to her again to hear her opinion). However, she confirmed it is not going to grow cancer , but it’s wrong while cancer is growing.
  • Nitric Balance
    STOP completely
    She thinks exactly like you. it won’t grow cancer itself, but it is not right to take while cancer is growing.
  • EnzymixPro
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
    I suggest that you stop this one and replace it with B6 and Trimethylglycine. ADD: P5P 50 (50mg of B6 in the P5P form), 1 cap/day 
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
    Stop and add this instead: TMG trimethylglycine 750mg cap, 2 caps/day first a.m. empty stomach.
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
  • Brain-E DHA 1200-TG
    Stop 7 days before surgery.
  • Liposomal Vitamin C 180 caps
    Can take right up to the night before surgery. I suggest changing your dose to 1 cap breakfast and 1 cap lunch while you are using Artemix
  • BDNF Essentials
    Stop 7 days before surgery.
    Stop 2 days before surgery. (Allowing extra time on it as it helps you stay in ketosis. Also, the American Ginseng is at a low dose and not very likely to interfere with medications.).
  • MCT Oil
    Can take right up to the night before surgery.
  • CBD
    I would normally suggest stopping this 4 days prior to surgery as CBD does inhibit the 3A4 metabolic pathway and may increase exposure to certain medications. However, it seems that this is taken not as a supportive supplement but more as a medication (or at least instead of a medication). So, I think that if you suddenly stop this you will likely have seizures. For this reason I would suggest discussing this with your surgeon and especially with your anesthesiologist, that you plan to continue high dose CBD, that you’ll need an order to receive it in the hospital.
  • Complete E
    Can take right up to the night before surgery.
  • Isoflavone-250
    I think you should stop this one for now. Soy may increase excessive mast cell activation. Also you are making antibodies to beans…and soy is a bean. So I’m thinking this one would be best put on hold. If you disagree and decide to keep this, it should be stopped 4 days prior to surgery.
  • Zinc Gluconate 50 mg
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
  • Magnesium Glycinate
    Reduce dose to (1 cap/day) 4 days prior to surgery.
    One cap/day may be taken up until the night before surgery.
  • G.I. DETOX (stopped until after surgery)
    Can take right up to the night before surgery
  • Activated Charcoal (stopped until after surgery)
    Can take right up to the night before surgery.
  • TOXIC FUNGI-MOLD NOSODE (stopped until after surgery)
    Can take right up to the night before surgery.

Extra Supplement Until Surgery

Artemix from University of Washington 
2 caps at bedtime with a bit of fat such as 2 Tablespoons of coconut milk (or 1-2 tsp MCT as may be better for your ketosis).
Stop 4 days before surgery

Done and finished 4-days before surgery already

Planning for Airplane!

Take it a day before and on the day of flight. This will reduce inflammation flare from altitude. Take 5 gels 3x/day with food of Boswellia 325mg boswellia acids soft gel by Protocol For Life Balance.

Done before/post travel and the travel was peaceful

Right After Surgery

While you are on the steroid dexamethasone, stop the ketogenic diet and instead have a low glycemic diet. Resume the ketogenic diet when you are completely off of dexamethasone (expected 2 weeks post surgery)

Once dexamethasone is finished, and if no further conventional treatment is taken (e.g. chemo), then go ahead to Ketogenic diet for 6 months. Then re-evaluate when to continue the diet or not.

One Test Proposed

She asked to test for Fibrinogen Activity. I did not do it! (totally forgot)